Take care of the health of the whole family, your feelings

Discussion in 'Chợ linh tinh' started by khanhnhi29, Sep 6, 2021.

  1. khanhnhi29

    khanhnhi29 Active Member

    Women in the 4.0 era not only grasp the trend but also know how to use technology to reduce the double pressure in life. With the docosan application, family health care will be easier than ever.
    With 150 hours/month performing unnamed, unpaid jobs, the role of a woman who is "good at domestic work, doing housework" means carrying on her shoulders the "double pressure" of social responsibility and protect the peace of the family.

    In an era where health is affected by many factors: the environment, epidemics... the responsibility of taking care of the health of family members and taking care of the sick is now twice as much as that of husbands, 21% compared to 10.5% according to a survey by the Center for Women's Studies, Central School of Women's Officials.

    What happens when work pressure and family health pressure come at the same time? “When I got married and had children, I thought I would take care of it all. But now I wish I had 48 hours a day to have time to rest, talk to my husband, play with my children. When you or your husband and children have health problems, it's even more tiring. My husband and I took turns taking breaks to take our children, the most afraid of long queues in crowded places to wait for a doctor, while there is so much information online that I don't know what to believe. My friend Phuong is even more extreme, she often works overtime, the calculation is getting hotter and hotter, the couple is not as peaceful as before," said Ms. P. Nga, an office worker in Ho Chi Minh City.

    Many women when their loved ones are sick, instead of going to a doctor for medical examination and treatment, they humbly let it go or go to the pharmacy, self-prescribing, treating the wrong illness, getting seriously ill or paying a large amount of money to visit the doctor. overseas medical examination while these diseases can be completely cured in Vietnam.

    The 4.0 era helps us to order food, hotels, movie tickets, shopping... with just one "smartphone". And the application of technology to support people in healthcare is more essential than ever, to easily find doctors near home, authentic information, transparent medical costs, or even sharing. experience medical treatment in the community.

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